Yes, we do exist. I love video games. I've always loved playing video games ever since I was a child. I've owned and played everything from the Atari 2600 to the Xbox One (my current obsession).
The funny thing is I'm always defending my love of video games. I'm not the type that pretends to play to impress guys. No, I want to kick their butts. I'm super competitive. I had a boyfriend in high school that didn't believe I played until I whipped his tail in NBA Street. He later admitted that he was so salty that he practiced for a week just to beat me. So cute but he never did.
To this day, he still says he's never met another girl that was as into gaming and he gave up looking. He awarded me the crown. To be fair, I do look for a guy who loves to game, too. Nothing more relaxing than chilling at home and gaming the night away. Gaming over clubs any day.
My mother asked why I like stuff that boys like. I responded that it's no more absurd than a man that cooks and cleans.
By the way, a man in the kitchen is very sexy but, I digress.
I feel that Black women are under represented in gaming culture. It's almost as if we're not interested in it. That's just not true. Some of the most hardcore gamers I know are Black women. Some people think that if we're into it at all, we're only interested in games like The Sims. A game that some people call a "girl" game. I love The Sims and know guys that play it, but I play so many different games. Although I must admit, The Sims can get deep if someone is a skilled Simmer. My Sims usually end up doing better at life than I am. Crazy.
I'm more of a Grand Theft Auto/Call of Duty type of girl, though. Nothing more satisfying than mindlessly mowing down pedestrians while listening to R&B on the radio or blasting campers on my favorite maps. Great stress relief, believe it or not Oh, and don't put a good RPG in front of me. I'll get lost for days.
I guess my love of sitting in front of a television or monitor and playing games doesn't help my social life. Yeah, that's true. I'm not big on going out and being seen. However, I tend to build my friendships around my love of games. My buddies are all gamers, too. So, it works out in the end. Instead of calling or texting one another all day, we just hop into an Xbox Live party and chat. Gaming IS social.
So, what's the point of my blog? Well, I want to prove that Black women love games just like everyone else. I want to prove that we do keep up with game releases and watch E3. I know I'm currently waiting on Fallout 4 to release. 11-10-15 is marked on my calendar. I want to prove that we play all consoles and games. Yes, some of us are into anime and cosplay, too. We come in different packages, but we all share that love of gaming and fantasy.
In case you're wondering how I'm spending my Friday night, I'm watching gaming videos on YouTube. I'm watching DashieGames, to be exact. Yeah, I'm really doing that. Heads up, Dashie curses a lot. Just an FYI in case anyone wants to check him out.
I'm hoping that some people out there can relate to me. I just want to game in peace without feeling like a science project. Can I live? Here's hoping to change, anyway. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start. Game on, my friends, game on.
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